How to report issues at UW-Madison including hate or bias, sexual assault, hazing and students of concern.
Types of misconduct
Whether its a feeling that cheating might have taken place, or something more serious, misconduct is typically handled on two ways: Academic or Non-Academic. The Office of Student Conduct and Community Standards are the people who help guide faculty, staff and students through these situations.
Types of reporting
Bias Concern
Including slurs, degrading language, epithets, graffiti, symbols, assault, microagressions, and harassment.
Sexual Assault
Get support and resources for healing and recovery regardless of sex, gender, or sexual orientation. Confidential support is also available.
Any activity that a person is expected to join or participate in that humiliates, degrades, abuses, or endangers regardless of willingness to participate.
A type of sexual misconduct. Behavior patterns directed at a specific person that causes serious emotional distress or fear for physical safety.
Missing student
A student who suddenly stops attending classes, activities, misses an exam, or stops responding to communications.
Dating/Domestic Violence
A type of sexual misconduct. A single act or ongoing pattern of abusive behaviors that exert control and power over a significant other.
Student of Concern
When you are concerned about a student's well-being or know a student who may need additional support.
Faculty and Staff
Guides, resources and information for UW-Madison faculty and staff to help support students experiencing personal issues including how to talk to students you are concerned about, addressing disruptive behavior and verbal de-escalation.