Wisconsin Union Funds

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Wisconsin Union

André De Shields Fund-132900334

This fund supports artistic projects and performances created, performed, designed, or produced by individuals from underrepresented populations and/or examines issues related to diversity, equity, social systems, or injustices against marginalized groups.  

Hoofers Fund -112904606

This fund supports Hoofers clubs, teams, and miscellaneous Hoofer-related programs and activities.  

Hoofers Alpine Ski Team Fund-112900013

This fund supports the activities of the Hoofers Alpine Ski team.  

Hoofers Equestrian Team Fund-112900011

This fund supports the activities of the Hoofers Equestrian Team.  

Hoofers Outing Club Fund-112900009

This fund supports the activities of the Hoofers Outing Club.  

Hoofers Riding Club Fund-112900010

This fund supports the activities of the Hoofers Riding Club.  

Hoofers Sailing Club Fund-112900014

This fund supports the activities of the Hoofers Sailing Club.  

Hoofers Sailing Team Fund-112900015

This fund supports the activities of the Hoofers Sailing Team.  

Hoofers Ski and Snowboard Fund-112900012

This fund supports the activities of the Hoofers Ski and Snowboard program.  

Undergraduate Student Success Fund-112900015

This fund holds the potential to transform the lives of students at the Wisconsin Union.  Focusing on the ultimate outcome of student success, a student’s involvement at the Union has a transformative impact on their educational experience.  The Union has always been and remains committed to providing students with unparalleled opportunities to thrive as leaders, scholars, and responsible global citizens.

Wisconsin Hoofers Marina Fund-122900080

This fund provides support for a new Hoofers Marina at the Memorial Union.  

Wisconsin Nordic Ski Team Fund-112900181

This fund helps support team development, organization, travel, competition, and scholarships as related to the Hoofers Ski & Snowboard Club’s Nordic Ski Team.  

Wisconsin Singers Fund-112621382

This fund is used to help finance the continuation/sponsorship of the Wisconsin Singers, enabling them to continue to represent UW-Madison.  

Wisconsin Union Annual Fund-112907770

This fund supports the greatest needs of the Wisconsin Union as determined by the Director of the Wisconsin Union.  

Wisconsin Union Association Fund – 132906110

This fund is used to support the greatest needs of the Union, with the primary purpose of ensuring excellence in programming and services.  

Wisconsin Union Building Fund-112904520

This fund supports physical improvements, technology enhancements, furnishings, new construction, and renovation of Wisconsin Union facilities for the enhancement of social education and rendered services aligned with the operational and programmatic goals of the Wisconsin Union. 

Wisconsin Union Endowment Fund-132901131

This fund is used to ensure the Union’s commitment to its life members and the continued excellence in programming and services at the Wisconsin Union.

Wisconsin Union Student Employee Recognition Fund

This fund supports student employee appreciation efforts; including student employee awards; student employee receptions; and other student employee recognition activities.

Wisconsin Union Theater Director’s Discretionary Fund-132900208

This fund supports the ongoing priorities within the Wisconsin Union Theater such as subsidizing student tickets, enabling students and student organizations to produce performances in the Wisconsin Union Theater spaces, and upgrading equipment as needs arise.

Wisconsin Union Theater Program Endowment Fund-132906590

This fund is used to reduce student ticket prices enabling students to take advantage of special Theater performances and enhancing their cultural experiences at UW-Madison.