Access to Campus Resources

Strategic outcome

More students feel they have access to campus resources to improve their wellbeing.


  • Student awareness of campus resources
    • How familiar are you with the following program/services? (not at all, a little, somewhat, very, extremely)
    • How much did [program/service] help you to know about the following [services/offices] on campus that are available to students? (not at all, a little, somewhat, a lot, a great deal)
  • Student use of campus resources
    • This semester, how often did you use the following services? (never, rarely, sometimes, often, very often)
    • How important for you are the following services? 1 (not at all, a little, somewhat, very, extremely)
    • How satisfied are you with the following services? (not at all; a little; somewhat; very; extremely; not applicable, I have never used the service)
  • Supportiveness of the environment
    • How easy is it for you to contact [department staff]? (not at all, a little, somewhat, very, extremely)
    • How comfortable do you feel approaching [department staff]/access [department]? (not at all, a little, somewhat, very, extremely)
    • How willing is [department staff] to help? (not at all, a little, somewhat, very, extremely)
    • How much does [department staff] make you feel that there are people here who… (not at all, a little, somewhat, a lot, a great deal)
      • … you can discuss personal issues with?
      • … listen to you when you have something to say?
      • … really care about you?
      • … you can count on?
      • … believe you can be successful?


[1] Results from the importance and satisfaction questions can be used to conduct gap analysis (also called importance-performance analysis). The analysis is used to gauge level of importance and satisfaction people associate with certain programs/services/attributes. The gaps between perceived importance and satisfaction can point to the needs for improving certain programs/services that are important. Specifically, Gap Value = Meansatisfaction -Meanimportance. A negative gap value indicates dissatisfaction with an important program/service.