Healthy minds, bodies, and communities. We view health and well-being through an equity and social justice lens to include personal physical health, mental health, and connection to a safe campus where all students can thrive.
Ways to think about your health
Staying active
If you're a student, you're already a member of University Recreation and Wellbeing and the Wisconsin Union! Take advantage of the many fitness classes, clubs, training, outings, events, and fun.
Emotional and mental health
Managing your mental health, practicing wellness activities, and a finding a supportive community all contribute to your well-being.
Medical services
Access high-quality medical care, the student health insurance plan, and many more resources to support your health and well-being with University Health Services.
University Health Services offers the following trainings (among others) and related programs to educate and support students on important campus health issues.
Wellness programs
Explore the many ways Student Affairs offers to recharge your health in mind, body, and spirit.
Get help
Student of Concern
When you are concerned about a student's well-being or know a student who may need additional support.
Sexual misconduct
Actions related to sexual assault or exploitation, dating/domestic violence, or stalking.
Bias Concern
Including slurs, degrading language, epithets, graffiti, symbols, assault, microagressions, and harassment.
Other Incidents
This could include a student that you are concerned about, hazing, stalking, or a missing student.