Veterans Month: We honor students and alum who have served our country

Throughout Veterans Month, we honor and celebrate students and alum who have served our country.

Several events will be hosted for students, alum, faculty, and staff to get involved during the month of November and recognize UW veterans, including presentations, a mixer event for alumni, employees and current students, a breakfast on Veterans Day, and a lecture from Dr. John Hall about topics related to the U.S. military.

These events take place around Veterans Day and will provide a social setting and education on part-time service in the military.

presentation on Nov. 9 will be delivered by University Veteran Services (UVS)’s own Jolene Anders. Anders’ talk, “What I Heard: My Service Through the Words of Others,” will be about her 12 years with the Wisconsin Army National Guard and her time in Iraq and Afghanistan. Read a Q & A with Anders about her time on Active Duty.

The Badger Veteran Mixer on Nov. 10 will be held at the Fluno Center for Executive Education, and is open to all  UW-Madison students, employees and alumni who are veterans or currently serving in any branch of the military.

Dr. Hall is an associate professor of U.S. Military History at UW and has taught classes on topics from the history of Wisconsin to American military history.  On Nov. 17, he will present on his time as a special historian to the commander of U.S. Central Command during the withdrawal of U.S. forces from Afghanistan.

In observance of Veterans Day, the Wisconsin Union and University Veterans Services will hold a Veterans Day Recognition Breakfast.

Nov. 29, Dr. Ross Benbow will provide an overview of the Veteran Education to Workforce Affinity and Success Study (VETWAYS). VETWAYS focuses on social support networks for student veterans and active service members, is in it’s 3rd year with several reports already released, and has been awarded over $2.1 million by the National Science Foundation

A highlight of the month is that UVS is also hosting a Badger Veteran Photo Project initiative. The project asks UW veterans to submit two photos of themselves – one in uniform and one out of uniform – and a short bio, which will be compiled into a slideshow to be distributed across campus, as well as posted online and promoted on social media. Submissions are due Nov. 9.

UVS offers resources and community for Badger veterans through education benefits, support, and advocacy. UVS has offered education benefits since the first G.I. Bill ® after World War II. Resources are offered to students who are veterans, family of a veteran, or actively serving.